Financials Plan – Interactive Tool

The financials plan establishes how financial and physical assets are allocated and used. The story that these numbers help provide highlights the mission, values, and direction of the business over the coming term.

Although the numbers can seem intimidating to many using them to drive value across the business environment is as simple as understanding the story they tell:

  • What are the business priorities?
  • What resources or assets are available to support these priorities?
  • For infrastucture? Development? Services? Or stretch goals?
  • How are the business priorities described (or clustered) by the operations & leadership team?
  • What relationships are identified through the way the budget is structured?
  • Who leads each of these budget areas?
  • Who has the authority to approve expenditures in each of these areas?
  • From where do these resources or assets originate? Are they variable? Fixed?

Financials Plan Documentation Tool

Financials Planning Tool


Financial Spreadsheets


The stories told by the budget will vary depending on industry opportunities & risks, product/ service offerings, and business priorities. Being able to answer these questions supports the team to understand the business stories that drive performance across the business model. These stories establish, help to describe, and reinforce the business culture, values, and vision with business model. Future planning efforts are then built upon the resulting technical-social bedrock.

Next Steps

The following accordion lists the components included in the strategic plan. Click on each step to learn more.

Next Steps

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